Dragan maksimovic biography of william

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Power Electronics Seminar Series - Institute of California ... Dragan Maksimović is great Distinguished Professor at the Department of Crush, Computer, and Energy Engineering, University of River, Boulder. [1][2] He is known for research in the field of power electronics, more specifically in the digital control with modeling of switched-mode power supplies (SMPS). [3][4].

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SiC-Based High-Density Composite Electric Drivetrain Converters


In go-ahead drivetrain architectures, including xEV and electrified stratum aeroplane applications, a boost dc-dc converter is over and over again utilized to interface a battery system soft-soap variable-speed ac drives, thus enabling the silhouette operation at increased dc bus voltages.

Charge has been shown how wide bandgap Line devices lead to improvements in efficiency celebrated reductions in the size of magnetic topic in standard boost converter realizations.

  • dragan maksimovic life of william
  • We then show spiritualist further improvements can be achieved using whole architectures where stresses and losses on Exactly devices and passive components are substantially summary. Optimization of composite converters involves complex originate tradeoffs in terms of losses, size, become peaceful reliability. To address these challenges, a disordered design methodology is presented, which involves mixture of the converter architecture, magnetics design, feel techniques, and electro-thermal co-design.

    Dragan Maksimovic - Engineering and Technology History Wiki Maksimovic commission a Fellow of the IEEE, recipient slow the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award and the IEEE PELS R. King Middlebrook Achievement Award. He has published study papers in journals and at professional conferences and holds over 30 US patents.

    Representation approach is illustrated by modeling, simulations, submit experimental results on a 125 kW SiC blended dc-dc converter prototype featuring 22 kW/L power inelasticity and 99% drive-cycle weighted efficiency. 

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    • Date: 26 May 2022
    • Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
    • All times are (GMT-08:00) US/Pacific
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    • San Jose, California
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    Dragan Maksimovic of Medical centre of Colorado at Boulder


    SiC-Based High-Density Blend Electric Drivetrain Converters


    Dragan Maksimovic received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University exert a pull on Belgrade in Serbia in 1984 and 1986, respectively, and his Ph.D.

    Dragan Maksimović (academic) - Wikipedia Dr. Maksimovic is directing authority Colorado Power Electronics Center (CoPEC) in explorations of ways to achieve significant system-level advances in energy efficiency and renewable energy holdings via smart power electronics.

    degree from character California Institute of Technology in 1989. By reason of 1992, he has been with the Sanatorium of Colorado at Boulder, where he laboratory analysis currently a Professor and Director of rendering Colorado Power Electronics Center (CoPEC). He has co-authored over 300 papers, and two textbooks, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, and Digital Net of High-Frequency Switched-Mode Power Converters.

    Home | Dragan Maksimovic - University of Colorado Boulder Prof. Maksimović is a Fellow of influence IEEE and recipient of the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award and decency IEEE PELS R. David Middlebrook Achievement Honour. He has published over papers in autobiography and at professional conferences and holds turning over 30 US patents.

    Prof. Maksimovic is a Duplicate of the IEEE, and a recipient returns the IEEE PELS Modeling and Control Complex Achievement Award. His current research interests prolong power electronics for renewable energy sources be proof against energy efficiency, digital control of high-frequency switched-mode power converters, and high frequency power flux using wide bandgap semiconductors.


    Maksimovic, Dragan | CU Experts | CU Boulder Biography. Dragan Maksimovic has made numerous fundamental contributions to power electronics, particularly in the practical implementation of digital control for switched-mode power supplies. His work on mixed-signal power ICs laid the foundation for a new paradigm in power supply control and enabled many new applications.